This is about the report of the 9th field investigation on Road of Jade Objects and Silk Fabrics (Guanglong Path) in January of 2016. The discussion of the significance of the Jade--wear- ing Giant of the Lower Changshan Culture in Zhenyuan County is based on the jade samples in Biyu Township of Tongwei County, the densely--distributed sites of Qijia culture in Zhuanglang Coun- ty, the Guanshan Ancient Path in Huating County and the Yuezhi Path in Chongxin County. It is suggested that the jade sacrificial vessels, part of the Lower Changshan Culture and the Pre--Zhou Culture, reflect the source and development of the pre--historic jade culture in West China, name- ly, where the jades of Qijia Culture came from and went to. The ancient path of the Weihe River Basin and the Jinghe River Basin on both sides of the Longshan Mountain made it possible to carry jades from the west to the east. It also resulted in the communication of the Glass Road and the Gold Road and the connection between the jades of Qin Style and the Xirong Culture.