For some soft yoke mooring FPSOs working in shallow-water oilfields,the shallow water effect will greatly increase second-order wave drift forces and mooring forces. Therefore,further studies are needed.A 30 WDT soft yoke mooring FPSO was utilized to investigate the critical ratio of water depth and draft ( WD/T ). Dynamic re-sponse capability of the soft yoke mooring FPSO under different WD/Ts was analyzed on the basis of multi-body dy-namics method. A model that includes SYMS and FPSO was established. Newman approximation and Pinkster ap-proximation were applied,and the mooring forces under different WD/Ts were analyzed in the time domain. Results show that,with the increase in WD/T,the mooring forces calculated by Pinkster approximation are smaller than those calculated by Newman approximation. The ratio of water depth and draft at equal mooring force is taken as the critical ratio when FPSO needs to consider the shallow water effect following the increase of FPSO draft,FPSO needs to consider the law of a linear decrease in the ratio of water depth and draft under the shallow water effect.