To improve the identification probability of RFID systems, optimize and design RFID systems, identifying the key factors that affected the identification probability of RFID systems is needed. Based on the model of key process input variables and key process output variables process, we proposed designing of experiment method to analyze the key factors which affected the identification probability of RFID systems, and then identified the key factors which included the plane angle of the tag and reader, reader antenna number as well as the distance between tag and reader. By testing under the conditions of tag embedded in automobile tires un-vulcanized and vulcanized, we further determined the key factors which affected the identification probability in embedded RFID system. Finally, we adopted binomial logistic regression method to analyze each key factor's contribution to the identification probability by using MINITAB software. The sta- tistical analysis results are beneficial to optimize the design of RFID systems and to improve the i- dentification probability of RFID systems simultaneously.