Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of GaN-based high power flip-chip blue LEDs were measured at different temperatures and different aging stages. It is found that in the backward voltage segment of the I-V curve the leakage current is larger because of deep-levelassistant tunneling; under little forward voltage metal gathers along with the dislocations thus leads to leakage current; in the generation-recombination and diffusion current segments the restriction from MQWs leads to larger ideal factor; low impurity level in MQWs leads to large injection at 10 A/cm^2 ; at large current there are series resistance segment. In the diffusion current segment the temperature coefficient is the closest to that in the Shocley theory, and this segment can be used to measure junction temperature. Aging can lead to increase backward leakage current, which is because more activated deep-level centers are generated; the increase of forward leakage current becomes lower, which is because of gathered metal full filled with the dislocations.