目的探讨高龄男性血清骨钙素的独立相关因素。方法对1 429例高龄男性进行一般情况调查,检测骨转换标志物、血生化和性激素等指标,采用多元回归分析方法筛选高龄男性血清骨钙素的独立相关因素。结果高龄男性骨钙素的独立相关因素有甲状旁腺素(β=0.074,P=0.000)、肌酐(β=0.049,P=0.000)、癌症(β=2.431,P=0.000)、BMI(β=-0.158,P=0.016)、血钠(β=0.239,P=0.003)、雌二醇(β=-0.036,P=0.033)和2型糖尿病(β=-1.044,P=0.036)。结论积极防治癌症和肾功能不全,降低血清甲状旁腺素和血钠水平,维持合理的BMI和雌二醇水平,可能是降低高龄男性血清骨钙素水平的重要方法。
Objective To investigate the related factors to serum osteocalcin level in elderly men. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted comprising a sample of 1 429 men aged 80 and over. Serum osteocalcin, parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and sex steroids were measured. The related factors to serum osteocalci level were analyzed with univariate and multivariate regression analyses. Results Multivariate analysis showed that parathyroid hormone(β=0.074, P =0.000), creatinine(β=0.049, P =0.000), cancer(β=2.431, P =0.000),body mass index(β=-0.158, P =0.016),serum sodium(β=0.239, P =0.003), estradiol(β=-0.036, P =0.033), and type 2 diabetes mellitus(β=-1.044,P =0.036) were independent associated factors of serum osteocalcin level in elderly men. Conclusion The probable ways to decrease osteocalcin in men aged 80 and over are to prevent and cure cancer and chronic renal failure,to decrease the concentration of serum parathyroid hormone and serum sodium, and keep a proper body mass index and the concentration of serum estradiol.