铜浮渣是粗铅火法精炼除铜过程的产物,针对铜浮渣现有工艺流程长,环境污染,工作环境差等缺点,本文采用"真空蒸馏-分级冷凝"的方法,对铜浮渣进行脱硫和脱铅以及回收铜银锑的应用研究,对金属及硫化物的饱和蒸气压进行了理论分析,考察了蒸馏温度,恒温时间对铅和硫的脱除率和铜银锑的直收率的影响。实验结果表明:在蒸馏温度1523 K、炉内压强20~160 Pa、保温4.5 h的条件下,一级冷凝物为含硫10%的硫化物,二级冷凝物为含铜1.17%的粗铅,残留物为含铅0.46%,含硫0.21%的铜银锑合金。
The distillation and two-stage condensation in vacuum of the copper dross,the main by-productinCusmelting of Pb-matte,wasmathematically modeled,theoretically calculated in thermodynamics and experimentally evaluated.The impact of the distillation and condensation conditions,including but not limited to the distillation temperature and time,pressure and contents of Cu-dross,on the removal of Pb and S,and recovery of Cu,Ag and Sb was investigated.The results show that depending significantly on the distillation and condensation conditions,the novel technique is capable of effectively recycling the Cu-dross in an environmental friendly way.To be specific,distillated at 1523 K and 20 ~160 Pa for 4.5 h,the primary condensate was found to be sulfides with 10%S;the secondary condensate was Pb-matte with1.17%Cu;and the slag consists of Cu-Ag-Sb alloys with 0.46%S.