Let(X, d, μ) be a space of homogeneous type, BMO_A(X) and Lip_A(β,X) be the space of BMO type,lipschitz type associated with an approximation to the identity {A_t}_t>0 and introduced by Duong,Yan and Tang, respectively. Assuming that T is a bounded linear operator on L~2(X), we find the sufficient condition on the kernel of T so that T is bounded from BMO(X) to BMO_A(X) and from Lip(β, X) to Lip_A(β, X). As an application, the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators with nonsmooth kernels on BMO(R~n) and Lip(β, R~n) are also obtained.更多还原
Let (X, d,u) be a space of homogeneous type, BMOA(X) and LiPA(β, X) be the space of BMO type, lipschitz type associated with an approximation to the identity {At}t〉0 and introduced by Duong, Yah and Tang, respectively. Assuming that T is a bounded linear operator on L2(X), we find the sufficient condition on the kernel oft so that T is bounded from BMO (X) to BMOA (X) and from Lip(β, X) to LiPA (β, X). As an application, the boundedness of Calder6n-Zygmund operators with nonsmooth kernels on BMO(Rn) and Lip(β, Rn) are also obtained.