Based on the compounding characteristic of concrete in cold saline-alkaline area, imitating to compound SA solution as the test condition, orthogonal experiment was applied to study the influence of water-cement ratio, entrained air content and content of fly ash on the freezeing resistance of concrete. The results show that causing osmotic pressure and crystalline pressure, the saline-alkaline solution takes a great of influence on freezeing resistance of concrete, for example, the maximum number of freezeing-thaw cycle of concrete dipped in SA solution decreases 22.5% averagely when water-cement ratio is 0.4; the influence order of these three factors on freezeing resistance is entrained air content, water-cement ratio, content of fly ash; with entrained air content increasing, the freezeing resistance of concrete increases; with water-cement ratio and content of fly ash increasing, the freezeing resistance of concrete decreases; pore structure is the critical factor of affecting freezeing resistance of concrete, so improving pore structure is the key technology for improving the freezeing resistance of concrete.