The purpose of this study is to examine the intervening effect of integrative product development capabilities on organizational product development routines to the performance of product development. Organizational product development routines are the systematic mechanisms and activities used by the management to monitor, evaluate and control the product development activities and are measured by project management, total quality management, formal meetings and rules & standards as the observed variables. Integrative product development capabilities are the dynamic capabilities built through the evolution of interactive activities of product team members by Structuration of the accumulation of experiences, variation generation, selection and generalization of the use of equipment, technology and organizational methods and are measured by three variables, namely the technology integration, organization integration and the platform, standardization and modularization. This study uses the data of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey 2005 (IMSS-IV) to establish a Structural Equation Model (SEM) using AMOS software to verify the total Intervening effect of Integrative product development capability on organization routines to the performance of product development of the machinery equipment industry.