The slang dictionaries are the dictionaries which recorded and explained the current and general words of Chinese dialects and slangs.There were many Buddhist words in the slang dictionaries in Ming and Qing Dynasties,which indicated that many Buddhist words had integrated into the national spoken language and became parts of the slang words;and indicated that the slang dictionaries writers had clearly understanding of the Buddhist words.There were two characteristics of explaining Buddhist words in Ming and Qing Dynasties,the first was that the explanation were simple and sometimes no explanation,but the documentary evidences were obvious,which reflected the principle centered theory of compiling dictionaries,the second was that the form and meanings of Buddhist loan words had been comprehensive surveyed.The lemmas,explanation and documentary evidences of Buddhist words in slang dictionariesin Ming and Qing Dynasties had much references value in the contemporary Chinese Dictionaries,and had reference value in the Chinese Lexicology study,such as profiled words study.