以广东省生物技术产业为研究对象,旨在探寻技术密集型产业中,邻近性对合作成果的重要性。对从Web of Science数据库采集的2001—2010年广东生物技术领域科学计量数据进行回归分析,并运用网络分析工具来分析文献出版物的引用影响力。同时区分了邻近性的5个维度:认知、组织、社会、制度和地理邻近性。对5种邻近性中的4个维度的重要性进行了实证研究,得出如下结论:(1)认知邻近性对广东生物技术科研合作成果质量存在一个倒"U形"关系;(2)组织邻近性和地理邻近对广东生物技术科研合作成果有促进作用;(3)制度邻近性对广东生物技术科研合作成果有抑制作用。
This research aims to find out the importance of proximity between research collaborators within a science-intensive sector by using the biotechnological field in Guangdong Province as research object.There are five different dimensions of proximity distinguished: cognitive,organizational,social,institutional,and geographical.Four of these five dimensions of proximity are studied on their relative importance of nearness in this paper.After applying regression analysis on scientometrics data from Web of Science and applying network analysis tools to analyze the citation impact of publications,this paper shows that for all the dimensions of proximity between the authors of a publication under study,the following conclusions can be made:(1)the cognitive proximity shows a reverse U relationship;(2)the organizational and geographical dimensions show positive relationship;(3)the institutional proximity shows a negative relationship to the quality of research in terms of citation impact.