以新疆艾比湖流域典型区域为研究区,利用1998、2011和2013年的Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像,将研究区分为耕地、林地、草地、水体、裸露的湖床及盐渍地和未利用地6个景观类型,计算各景观指数,引入生态风险指数,进行空间插值,并把研究区划分为低、较低、中、较高、高生态风险区,对研究区景观格局生态风险的时空变化特征进行评估.结果表明:1998—2013年,艾比湖区域景观格局变化明显,主要特征为耕地景观面积明显增加,其他景观面积减少;1998年,生态风险区以高等级为主,而在2011、2013年,生态风险区均以较高和低等级为主.1998—2013年,研究区的生态风险等级呈明显降低趋势,生态风险等级由高生态等级向低生态等级转变的总面积远高于由低生态等级向高生态等级转变的总面积.
The typical region of the Ebinur Lake Basin was chosen as study area. Landsat TM / OLI images for 1998,2011 and 2013 were obtained. In the study area,landscape was classified into six types,including cropland,woodland,grassland,water body,bare lake bed,salinized land and unutilized land. Landscape indices and ecological risk index were calculated and spatially interpolated for the whole region,which was divided into five different risk zones: extremely low,low,moderate,high and extremely high ecological risk. They were carried out for assessing the spatio-temporal changes in ecological risk for each landscape pattern. The results showed that the regional landscape patterns had experienced significant changes,and the increase in the area of croplands was the main trend in landscape evolution from 1998- 2013. The main part of the regional ecosystem faced extremely high risk in 1998,high risk in 2011 and low risk in 2013. The ecological risk level of the study area was significantly decreased in the overall period,and the total area of change from high to low risk was much greater than those from low to high risk.