San-Cheng Peng received his M.S. degree in computer science from Yanshan University in 2004. He is a student member of China Computer Federation (CCF). He is currently a Ph.D. candidate of the Central South University. He is also a research as- sociate at City University of Hong Kong during 2008-2009. His current research interests include corn-puter networks, survivability and trusted computing.E-mail:; Corresponding Author Wei-Jia Jia is currently a full professor in the Department of Com- puter Science and the Director of Future Networking Center, Shenzhen Research Institute of City University of Hong Kong (CityU). He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Central South University, China in 1982 and 1984, and Master of Applied Sci. and Ph.D. degrees from Polytechnic Faculty of Mons, Belgium in 1992 and 1993 respectively, both in computer science. He joined German National Research Center for Information Science (GMD) in Bonn (St. Augustine) from 1993 to 1995 as a research fellow. In 1995, he joined Department of Computer Science, CityU as an assistant professor. His research interests include next generation wireless communication, protocols and heterogeneous networks, distributed systems, multicast and anycast QoS routing protocols. In these fields, he has over 300 publications in the prestige international journals (IEEE Transactions, e.g., TPDS, TC, TMC), books/chapters and refereed international conference proceedings (e.g., ACM MobiHoc, SenSys, IEEE ICDCS, INFOCOM). He (with W. Zhou) published a book "Distributed Network Systems" by Springer where the book contains extensive research materials and implementation examples. He has received the best paper award in a prestige (IEEE) conference and (with J. Chen et al.) proposed an improved algorithm for well-known Vertex Cover and Set-packing NP-hard problems with time bounds of O(kn + 1.2852k) and O((5.Tk)kn) respectively. He is chair professor of Central South University, Chang- sh