本文利用涡量场和边界拟涡能流BEF(boundary enstrophy flow),对混流式水轮机转轮叶片进行了性能评价和优化。在转轮三维湍流数值计算基础上,通过控制拟涡能在叶片表面的分布,能够提高转轮最优工况下的水力效率。优化后转轮叶片表面的拟涡能比原型有明显改善,转轮流场的流动状况也明显改善,说明基于涡量场的分析对于混流式水轮机转轮叶片优化能够起到一定的作用。边界拟涡能流BEF能够从能量角度反映流体和固体之间的相互作用关系。
Design optimization of a Francis turbine runner blade based on vorticity and boundary enstrophy flux analysis is presented in this paper. Based on 3D turbulent flow of numerical simulation, by controlling the enstrophy distribution on blade surfaces, the hydraulic efficiency of runner at the design operation point can be increased. The flow field in runner is imProved because the vorticity distribution of the optimized runner becomes better, which shows that this analyzing method based on vorticity dynamics plays an important role in the optimization design of Francis runner. The boundary enstrophy flux (BEF) can reflect the energy reaction relationship between fluid and solid surface.