观察除草剂丁草胺对蟾蜍肝脏形态学和组织学的影响,探讨除草剂丁草胺对蟾蜍肝脏的毒性作用。将中华大蟾蜍随机分为对照组、稻田组、稻田5倍组和稻田10倍组,染毒剂量分别为5、10、30 ml/L,每组15只,分别放入盛有经曝气的自来水和试验用液的实验桶内,溶液的量为浸没1/2蟾蜍体积,分别在染毒后3、6、9 d,从各组随机取蟾蜍5只,解剖观察其肝脏的形态,测量肝系数;应用石蜡切片,HE染色,观察除草剂丁草胺对蟾蜍肝脏组织结构的影响。结果:除草剂丁草胺的染毒时间和浓度均可影响蟾蜍肝脏的组织结构。随着除草剂丁草胺浓度的增加和染毒时间的递增,肝系数增大,肝脏出现了不同程度的坏死和溶解。结论:除草剂丁草胺能改变蟾蜍肝脏的组织结构和功能,提示使用除草剂应注意环境保护。
Objective:To observe influence of the herbicide butachlor on hepatic morphologic and histology of Bufo bufo gargarizans. To study toxicity of herbicide butach|or on liver of Bufo bufo. Method: The Bufo bufo gargarizans were randomly divided into control group, paddy goup, 5 times paddy group, 10 times paddy group ( n = 15 ), the control groups and experimental groups were placed apart in aerated water and in experimental barrels containing butachlor( 5, 10, 30 ml/L), 1/2 of the body of Bufo bufo gargarizans was immersed in the sulotion. After 3, 6, and 9 days, five Bufo bufo were randomly selected from each group and they were dissected to observe the modality and to measure the coefficient of liver. The paraffin slice and HE dyeing were used to observe the structure of liver. Result: The time and concentration of dyeing poison can affect the hepatic modality and structure of Bufo bufo. As concentration of herbicide butachlor and time of dyeing poison increase, the coefficient of liver becomes augmented, and hepatic structure becomes augmented and autolyzed. Conclusion: Herbicide butachlor can change the hepatic modality and structure of Bufo bufo, suggesting environmental protection should be considered when herbicide is used.