在RS和GIS的支持下集成多源数据,提取哈尔滨市1989—2008年城市土地利用扩张信息。利用单一土地利用动态度和弹性系数模型分析了近20年城市用地扩展时空特征。结果表明:1)近20年城市用地面积增加了123.93km2,其中1996—2002年和2002—2008年增长较快,年均增长率分别为3.24%和3.52%。2)1989—1996年城市扩展规模在合理的范围内上下波动;1996—2002年城市用地扩展速度过快,高于城市人口增长速度;2002—2008年城市用地仍在持续扩展,但扩展速度小于人口增长速度。3)1989—1996年西南南方向上扩展面积较大,为3.61 km2;1996—2002年西北北和西南西方向扩展程度较大,分别为18.37 km2和8.78 km2;2002—2008年西北西方向扩展较为集中,面积为20.45 km2,主要表现在松北区大规模开发建设。4)从经济增长、人口数量、交通牵引和政策与城市规划等因素探讨了哈尔滨市城市用地扩展驱动机制,对指导城市合理规划和促进城市理性发展具有一定理论参考价值。
This paper extracted urban land expansion process of Harbin from 1989 to 2008 with multi-source data by RS and GIS.With the help of single land use type dynamic degree model and expansion elasticity coefficient model,spatial-temporal features of urban land expansion in the recent 20 years in Harbin had been analyzed.The results showed that,firstly,urban land area had increased 123.93 km2,and it was more rapid during the period from 1996 to 2002 and from 2002 to 2008 with the annual expansion rates of 3.24% or 3.52%.Secondly,the urban expansion scale fluctuated within the rational region from 1989 to 1996.The expansion was much too quicker than the rate of population increasing from 1996 to 2002.And urban land sprawled continuously,but it was slower than the population increasing rate from 2002 to 2008.Thirdly,the expansion in SWS from 1989 to 1996 was more obvious,where area reached 3.61 km2.From 1996 to 2002,the expansion area in NWN and SWW was much larger,which was 18.37 km2 and 8.78 km2 respectively.And the expansion was much concentrated in the direction of NWW,with the area of 20.45 km2,which was mainly caused by the large scale construction in Songbei District.Fourthly,the driving mechanism influencing urban land expansion in Harbin had been discussed on the aspects of economy increasing,population amount,traffic traction and policy and urban plan etc.,which was of some theory reference in directing the rational urban plan and promoting city in reasonable development.