The set of all eigenvalues (counting multiplicities) of a matrix A is denoted by σ(A) ,and the inertia of A is the ordered triple i(A)=(i+ (A),i_(A),io(A)),in which i+ (A),i_(A) and io(A) are the numbers of eigenvalues with positive, negative and zero real parts, respectively. An n × n sign pattern S=(sij ) has sij∈ { 1,-1,0} or sij ∈ { +,-, 0 }, and the qualitative class of S is Q(S) = {A= (aij)∈ M. (R) : sign(aij ) = sij for all i,j}. The inertia of S is the set of ordered triplesi(S)={i(A):A∈Q(S)}. An n×n sign pattern S is an inertially arbitrary pattern (IAP) if (n1,n2,n3)∈ i(S) for each nonnegative triple (n1 ,n2, n3 ) with n1 + n2 + n3 = n. Consider the n × n sign pattern Kn, where K. is the pattern with positive entry (i,j) for 1≤ j-i≤n-2 or i=j=n,negative entry (i,j) for 1≤ i-j≤n-2 or i=j=1,arbitrary entry (i,j) for |i-j| =n-1 and zero entry otherwise. In this paper,it is proved that K, is an IAP for n≥3.