D ifferent phases of hum an civilization w itness the developm ent of industrial structures and production organization m odes. T he Seventh C ongress M eeting of the T ibet A utonom ous R egion established the developm ent strategy ofTibet:to increase the production levelin the prim ary industry,to focuson prioritized sectorsin the secondary industry, and to prom ote the fast developm ent of the tertiary industry. T his research seeks to explore the m easures to im plem ent the developm ent strategy and to identify the industrial developm ent path w ith typical C hinese and T ibetan characteristics. B ased on the industrial evolution theory and using data from the T ibetan Y earbook and applying the qualitative and the quantitativeanalysismethod,thispaperanalyzedthecharacteristicsandtrendsofTibetanindustryat different stages of agricultural, industrial, and ecological civilizations and suggested the theoretical fram ew ork and developm ent path for ecological civilization in T ibet. T hese suggestions include:1) cultivating ecological culture;2) developing industry based on advanced know ledge, inform ation, and scientific technology;3) integrating industrial chains to im prove the efficiency of industrial agglom eration;4) developing sustainable ecological industry;and 5) carrying outecology education and im plem enting properecologicalm anagem ent.