In this paper,we study convergence properties of regularization methods for mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints (MPLCC) under some weaker conditions. If the linear independence constraint qualification of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECLICQ) condition holds at the accumulation points of the sequence generated by regularization methods,and if an approaching subsequence satisfies the second-order necessary condition,and if the asymptotically weak nondegeneracy Ⅱ condition which is weaker than the asymptotically weak nondegeneracy Ⅰ condition in [7] holds at its accumulation points,then all these accumulation points are Bounligand stationary points. Furthermore, under some weak MPEC-LICQ condition,the second-order necessary condition and the asymptotically weak nondegeneracy Ⅱ condition,we also conclude that all the accumulation points are Bouligand stationary points for regularization methods.