研究了两个参数失配较大情况下,处于不同放电模式的两个电突触耦合Hindmarsh-rose(HR)神经元的相位同步问题,发现在适当耦合强度下可以实现相同步并呈现出复杂的放电节律。利用峰峰间期(Interspike interval,ISI)和平均放电频率证实了相同步的发生,给出并分析了不同放电状态的神经元在电突触耦合下实现相同步后的神经放电节律。从相同步的角度显示,神经元同步后呈现簇放电特征或峰放电特征,除与两耦合神经元独自放电模式有关外,还与电突触耦合强度有一定的内在关系。
In this paper, the phase synchronization of two electrically coupled HR neurons is discussed when parameters mismatch largely. The numerical results show that phase synchronous can be achieved at appropriate coupling strength which accompanied with some complex firing modes. Interspike interval (ISI) and the mean frequency are used to confirm the phase synchronization and to analyze the different firing modes of neurons in the phase synchronous state. From the perspective of phase synchronization, it can be...