City clusters in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River contain Wuhan city circle, Changzhutan city cluster, and the Poyang Lake eco-economic region, and they make efforts to promote new economic growth poles. This paper studied the Chi- nese time - honored brands in Triangle of Central China. It was suggested : ( 1 ) to collect the old brands, establish their perfect ar-chives in the city clusters, and protect and succeed them; (2) to combine the protection of Chinese time - honored brand with safe-guarding of intangible cultural heritage ; ( 3 ) to inherit the traditional processing technology related to Chinese time - honored brand, and promote the productive protection of intangible cultural heritage; (4) to strengthen cultural industry development of Chinese time - honored brand, and prosper the cuhural industry ; (5) to strengthen Chinese time -honored brand protection of agricultural products processing enterprises, and accelerate agricultural brand construction ; (6) to develop Chinese time - honored brand recog-nition in the impoverished areas, and exert its role in rural development and poverty alleviation.