This paper analyzes the main influential factors of the quality failure cost,and according to the natural weight theo ry,the paper establishes the mathematical model.Firstly,the paper analyzes the main influential factors,including the hu man factors and the equipment factors.The human factors are consist of the maintenance and the application of the quality management system,the evaluation and the maintenance of the suppliers,the product test and the process control,the mar ket investigation and the workers’ operation.Equipment factors mean that the problems caused by the equipment.Then by taking use of the natural weight theory and according to the fuzzy property and the different attribute of different factors,the pa per discusses the functional curves of the influential factors,and considering the different influential extent to different prod ucts,the paper adds a correction coefficient,in order to establish a membership function that is suitable to every product.Fi nally,based on the membership function,and according to the definition of the natural weight,the paper establishes the natu ral weight mathematical model of the factors.