提出了一种新型的毫米波MEMS开关自激励机理的实验验证结构,该结构由一分四功率分配器和5个相同开关形成的阵列组成.通过CST Microwave Studio和HFSS电磁仿真软件完成了一分四功率分配器和开关阵列的设计.在频率为35 GHz时,一分四功率分配器的4个输出端口的隔离度小于-48 dB,同时由于结构的对称性,4个输出端口具有等分功率的性质.这2个特性对开关自激励机理的实验验证的功能实现至关重要.设计的毫米波MEMS电容式并联开关在35 GHz的插入损耗为0.076 dB,隔离度为-55 dB;设计的毫米波MEMS直接接触式串联开关在35 GHz具有0.14 dB的插入损耗和-25 dB隔离度.
A new type of structure for experimental verification of self-actuation of millimeter-wave MEMS switch is presented.The structure,which is designed using electromagnetic simulation software CST Microwave Studio and HFSS,consists of a four-way power divider and an array of five same switches.The input signal is equally divided into four output signals in the four-way power divider due to the structure symmetry,while the isolation between any two output ports is less than-48dB at 35GHz.These two characteristics are important to the realization of the function of the structure.The designed millimeter-wave MEMS capacitive shunt switch has 0.076dB insertion and-55dB isolation at 35GHz,while the designed millimeter-wave MEMS DC-contact series switch has 0.14dB insertion and-25dB isolation at that frequency.