报道了采自新疆布尔津县五彩滩的微孢衣属(Acarospora A.Massal.)地衣两个新记录种,即:中国新记录种美国微孢衣(Acarospora americana H.Magn.)和新疆新记录种翡翠微孢衣(Acarospora smaragdula(Wahlenb.)A.Massal.),详细描述了这两种地衣的形态特征、解剖特征及生境。
Acarospora americana H. Magn. and Acarospora smaragdula (Wahlenb.) A. Massal. are newly reported to China and Xinjiang, respectively. Both species were collected from Wucaitan, Burqin County, Xinjiang. The morphological-anatomical features and life habitat types of the two species are described and color photos showing their main characteristics are also provided.