目的 研究听神经病患者的言语识别能力及时间灵敏度。方法 选取听神经病患者24耳,感音神经性聋组26耳,正常组30耳,分别进行间隔觉察阈测试和最大言语识别率测试,运用SPSS18.0进行统计学分析。结果 听神经病组中,听神经病组间隔觉察阈值与最大言语识别率呈部分负相关(r=-0.603,P〈0.05),正常对照组间隔觉察阈值与最大言语识别率无相关性(r=-0.026,P〉0.05)。结论 1间隔觉察阈测试有助于临床上对听神经病的鉴别诊断。2间隔觉察阈值较高的个体言语识别相对较差。3间隔觉察阈测试可从时域上评估助听器佩戴效果及耳蜗植入后效果。4无法行言语测听时,间隔觉察阈测试可提供参考。
Objective This study focuses on the ability of Auditory Neuropathy patients to recognize speech and detect temporal gaps. Methods: Speech Recognition Score and Gap Detection Test were administered to 12 subjects (24ears) with Au- ditory Neuropathy, 26 ears with sensorineural hearing loss, 30ears with normal hearing level. SPSS 18.0 was used for analyzing the relation between Speech recognition Score and Gap detection Threshold. Results In comparison with the control group (r=-0.026, P〉0.05), Gap detection Thresholds was negatively correlated with PBmax in the AN group (r=-0.603, P〈0.05). Conclusion The Gap Detection Test holds promise as a clinically useful tool in the assessment of temporal resolution in the clinical arena. Subjects with poorer speech perception performance showed larger Gap Detection Thresholds in this study. Gap Detection Test can also assess the effect of hearing aids and cochlear implant. Gap Detection Thresholds sometimes can replace the Speech Audiometry, if the subjects cannot conduct the Speech Recognition Score test.