无铅焊膏用助焊剂需要一定的黏性,选择有机酸和有机胺混合作为活性物质,配合一定量的松香配制出一种助焊剂.通过控制助焊剂中松香的含量,降低不挥发物的含量,减少残留物对元器件的腐蚀.依据标准对所配制的助焊剂进行了性能测试,并与一种松香含量较高的助焊剂比较.结果表明:助焊剂的松香含量降低约10 %,在260 ℃焊接后不挥发物含量降低了近6 %,黏度较好,无卤化物,无毒,环保,符合焊膏用助焊剂的要求.
Active agent mixed with organic acid and organic amine were applied to keep good viscosity of flux for lead-free solder paste. In order to reduce the corrosion of components caused by the residue, the amount of rosin was controlled, It reduced significantly the amount of non-volatile matter. The properties of this flux were tested according to the industry standard, and compared with a flux which contains a high amount of rosin. The results show that when the amount of rosin decreased about 10 %, the amount of non-volatile matter reduced by 6 % after 260 ℃ welding, the flux is good viscosity, and it is halogen-free, nontoxic and environmentally friendly, thus it meets the needs of lead-free solder paste.