In order to solve the problem that cannot accurately obtain the knowledge of product design in the process of new product design, this paper proposes the technology of product design knowledge retrieval based on ontology. Firstly, the paper represents the design knowledge through the three layer structure of "product design ontology-index catalog-product design external sources", and forms the design knowledge system, which includes the index catalog as the guiding direction and the mutual mapping of the product design ontology and product design external sources. Then, the paper puts forward the similarity matching method based on edit distance algorithm. On the basis of the natural language processing for retrieval problem, the paper uses the edit distance similarity algorithm to convert the retrieval problem into the concept of ontology, and constructs the corresponding SPARQL retrieval language to retrieve the design knowledge that complies with the retrieval intention of designers. Finally, the paper uses the design knowledge of auxiliary-propelled gun in the field of national defense as an example to reveal the feasibility of the technology of knowledge retrieval.