以 CSSCI 为数据来源,分析国内图书情报领域本体研究的网络结构,得出国内本体研究主要集中在本体的基本理论研究、本体与语义网研究及本体在图书情报领域的应用研究。通过对外文参考文献的分析以及高被引作者的共被引分析,揭示国外研究在基本概念、构建方法、应用研究等方面对国内研究的影响。最后提出几点建议,包括拓宽研究视野,注重发掘新的研究角度,加强各学科间的合作。
This article analyzes the research structure of the researches on ontology from CSSCI. The researches' themes focused on basic theory of ontology, ontology and the semantic, the applications in information and library science. Then through analyzing the foreign ref-erences and high cited authors, the authors find the communication with foreign researches. Finally, the authors give some suggestions, in-cluding broadening vision, exploring new angle and strengthening cooperation between disciplines.