知识聚合(Knowledge Aggregation,KA)与可视化(Visualization)的融合为数字图书馆资源(Digital Library Resources,DLRs)的知识发现、知识优化和多元化知识服务提供了可行手段。本文综合运用社会网络可视化与知识计量方法从知识单元挖掘、知识域开发、知识网络构建、知识图谱呈现及知识可视应用方面对数字图书馆资源进行知识聚合的可视化模型构建,以期为数字图书馆资源的细粒度聚合对象挖掘、多维度知识结构揭示、静动态交互知识可视展示及精准化知识分析应用提供参考借鉴,推进数字图书馆知识资源在纵深层面的再组织与再利用。
The integration of knowledge aggregation and visualization provide available methods for the realization of knowledge discovery, knowledge optimize and knowledge service diversification for the digital library resources. By social network visualization and knowmetrics, this paper from knowledge unit development, knowledge domain analysis, knowledge network building, mapping knowledge domain presentation and knowledge visualization application build the visualization model of library digital resources knowledge aggregation to provide reference for digital library resources with the fine-grained aggregation object minning, the multidimensional knowledge structure revelation, the static and dynamic interactive knowledge visualization and the precision knowledge analysis application and boost the Reorganization and reuse of digital library knowledge resources in depth and breadth.