The 0. 8BaTiO3-0. 2BiYO3 ceramics with alkali-free glass modified were prepared by conventional solid-state method. The effect of the alkaii-free glass content on the microstructure and dielectric properties of0. 8BaTiO3-0. 2BiYO3 ceramics were studied. The mass percentage of glass was x= 0,0. 0 1,0. 0 3,0. 05 and 0. 07respectively. The results showed that the sintering temperature was reduced after being alkaii-free glass modifiedand the second phase appeared in XRD mapping. The pseudo-cubic perovskite structure was remained in main phase. The diffraction peak intensity of the second phase was the weakest at ceramics with 3 % of mass fraction of doped glass. The dielectric constant was reduced,the curie peak broadening effect was weakened and the ferroelec-tric property was enhanced after the ceramic was alkaii-free glass modified. When the doped amount of glass wasless than 3 %, the polarization intensity was increased. The polarization intensity was biggest when the dopedamount of glass was 3%.