本研究旨在对断奶至配种间隔(下文简称“断配间隔”)进行表型与遗传分析,探究其与各繁殖性状之间的相关,为其在育种中应用奠定基础。试验选取某核心场近6年繁殖记录,围绕断配间隔性状,对不同品种共7 843条繁殖记录进行影响因素的分析;利用DMU软件和动物模型估计了大白猪产后1周之内断奶发情间隔共3 297条繁殖记录断配间隔、总产仔数、产活仔数、初生窝重和仔猪均匀度的遗传力;并评估了各性状之间的表型和遗传相关。结果表明:胎次、母猪分娩季节和断奶日龄均对断配间隔有极显著影响(P〈0.01),不同水平总产仔数有显著影响(P〈0.05),品种效应接近显著;断配间隔、总产仔数、产活仔数、初生窝重和仔猪均匀度遗传力分别为0.046、0.077、0.093、0.110和0.047;断配间隔与产仔性能表型相关接近于0,遗传相关呈弱的正相关;与仔猪均匀度表型和遗传相关均呈弱的负相关。可见,总产仔数越多,断奶至配种间隔越长;仔猪均匀度越差,断配间隔反而越短。因此,在提高总产仔数的同时,应综合考虑对断奶发情间隔的选择。
The objective of this study was to analysis the phenotyp ic and genetic parameter of weaning-to- oestrusinterval (WOI) and to investigate its correlation with reproduction traits. This study selected recent birth records of certain core pig breeding farm. First, we analysed the affecting factors of 7843 reproductive records of different breeds. Then, Animal model and DMU software were used to estimate herltabilities of WOI, total number born(TNB), number born alive (NBA), litter weight at birth (LBW) and litter uniformity (LU) of 3297 reproductive records which WOI within 7 days of Largewhite pigs. Moreover, we estimated the phenotypic and genetic correlation between WOI and other reproduction traits (TNB, NBA, LBW and LU). As a result, parity, annual seasons and weaning days extremely significantly influenced the WOI (P〈0.01), different TNB levels significantly influenced the WOI (P〈0.05), the breeds were significant level. The heritabilities were 0.046, 0.077, 0.093, 0.110 and 0.047 for WOI, TNB, NBA, LBW and LU, respectively. In addition, the phenotypiccorrelation with WOI and farrowing traits(TNB, NBA and LBW) were closed to 0, the genetic correlation were weak and positive; The phenotypic and genetic correlation with LU were weak and negative. So, following the increase of TNB, the WOI also added; accompanying the decrease of LU, the WOI also reduced. All in all, when we selected higher reproductive performance sows, the WOI should bealso taken consideration.