本文研究了沉水植物伊乐藻(Elodea nuttallii)在白色LED灯处理水产养殖中氨氮的效果。在50×33cm和45×28em鱼缸中放入体质量150±5g鲫(carassius auratus)7尾,放入伊乐藻1.2kg,应用白色LED灯为光源,用遮光纸遮光,放入28w循环泵进行交叉循环。12d饲养结果表明:伊乐藻不仅可吸收养殖排泄的氨氮、增加水体溶解氧,而且养殖鱼类代谢的二氧化碳可以促进沉水植物生长,具有生态循环利用的效能,为进一步研究循环水养殖的生态利用提供了参考。
The ammonia removal in a recirculating aquaculture system was studied by aquatic submerged plant Elodea nutta!lii under LED light. Seven individuals of crucian carp (Carassiun auratus ) with body weight of 150± 5 g and 1.2 kg ofElodea nuttallii were reared in a tank, equimped with a 28 w pump, shaded with paper under a LED light for 12 days. The results showed that the Elodea nuttallii under LED light illumination led to reduce the ammonia level significantly and to increase dissolved oxygen content and the biomass of Elodea nuttallii via photosynthesis in aquaculture water. The new technology showed a great deal of advantages and pre- sents research tendency of ammonia treatment in a recirculating aquaculture system.