在水温4.5±1.3℃下和桶式流水孵化器中,研究了不同浓度过氧化氢水溶液、聚维酮碘、甲醛溶液和二氧化氯对虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)、金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)和白斑红点鲑(Salvelinus leucomaenis)受精卵至发眼期胚胎的成活率和防治水霉菌等感染的效果。结果表明:二氧化氯处理组与对照组鱼胚胎的发眼率与畸形率差异显著;聚维酮碘处理组鱼胚胎的发眼率虽与对照组无显著差异,但畸形率明显高于甲醛对照组。因此,聚维酮碘和二氧化氯不适于这三种鱼受精卵的消毒。1000 mg.L-1的过氧化氢饱和水溶液(双氧水)与1500 mg.L-1甲醛处理组鱼胚胎的在发眼率无显著差异,但随着药物浓度的增加,其畸形率显著高于对照组。因此,建议鲑鳟鱼受精卵孵化过程中可用1000 mg.L-1双氧水防止水霉菌滋生,提高受精卵的成活率。
The effects of various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide,formalin,povidone iodine and chlorine dioxide on survival of fertilized eggs and hatching rate were studied in white spot char(Salvelinus leucomaenis),albino rainbow trout and wild type rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) treated every other day morning 7:00~8:00 for 15min at water temperature of(4.5 ±1.3)℃,dissolved oxygen(6.75 ±0.35) mg·L-1,and pH(6.80 ±0.01).The results showed that there were significant differences in survival in eyed embryos and abnormality in newly hatched fry between chlorine group and control group,without significant differences in survival in eyed embryos between povidone iodine group and control group,but with significant differences in abnormality.Thus povidone iodine and chlorine dioxide were not suitable for control fungi in the eggs of the three species salmonids.No significant differences in survival were observed in the eyed embryos exposed to hydrogen peroxide at a dose of 1000 mg·L-1 and formalin at a dose of 1500 mg·L-1,while the abnormality was found to be enhanced with increase in the doses.It is suggested that hydrogen peroxide be the alternative for the formalin to control fungi on these three species eggs.