Given a simple graph G and a positive integer k, a k-induced-matching partition of a graph G having a perfect matching is a k-partition (V1, V2,……, Vk) of V (G) such that for each i (1 ≤ i ≤ k), the subgraph G [Vi] of G induced by Vi is 1-regular. The k-induced-matching partition problem asks whether a given graph G has a k-inducedmatching partition or not. Let M1,M2,... Mk be k induced matching of G. We say {M1, M2,..., Mk} is a k-induced-matching cover of G if V(M1) U V(M2) U... U V(Mk) = V(G). The k-induced-matching cover problem asks whether a given graph G has a k- induced-matching cover or not. In this paper, 2-induced-matching partition problem and 2-induced-matching cover problem of graphs with diameter 5 are proved to be NP- complete, which gives a solution of Yang Yuan and Dong.