To solve the problem that at present commonused load analyzing methods mostly rely on subjective experiences and in classical empirical mode decomposition the mode mixing frequently appears, an ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) based hybrid power load forecasting method is proposed. At first, by use of the improved algorithm of empirical mode decomposition (EMD), i.e., the EEMD, the power load series is decomposed, this way the objective series can be decomposed to several independent intrinsic modes adaptively, therefore the disadvantage of relying on subjective experiences can be overcome. Then, based on fine-to-coarse, these intrinsic modes are reconstructed as three components, i.e., the high frequency component, low frequency component and trend component. On the basis of analyzing the features of these components, which are forecasted by support vector machines, auto-regressive and moving average (ARMA) and linear regression model respectively. Finally, the superposition of forecasting results ,of the three components is taken as the ultimate forecasting value. The hourly load forecasting results of a certain power network show that the proposed method can improve forecasting accuracy effectively.