稳定性是植物群落结构与功能的综合特征。该文运用模糊综合评判理论评价了山西文峪河上游13种河岸林群落的稳定性。基于群落整体稳定性和结构稳定性的考虑,选取乔木层优势树种更新潜力、物种多样性、Godron指数、立地质量和保护程度等5项特征指标,通过计算各群落5项指标隶属度的平均值来评价群落稳定性。研究结果表明,多数群落的稳定性隶属度介于0.40-0.60,属于低山森林演替系列的青杨辽东栎(Populus cathayana+Quercus wutai shanica)混交林和油松白桦(Pinus tabulaeformis+Betula platyphylla)混交林的稳定性居中;中高山森林演替系列中,群落稳定性随着演替的进展而增加,青杨(Populus cathayana)林结构简单,稳定性最低,青杄(Picea wilsonii)林接近演替顶极,稳定性最高;但并非只有近演替顶极的群落是稳定的,客观存在的各种林冠干扰和河岸生境的高度异质性也使得白杄杨桦(Picea meyeri+Populus cathayana+Betulaplaty phylla)混交林、落叶松白杄(Larix principis-rupprechtii+Picea meyeri)混交林和落叶松青杄(Larix principisrupprechtii+Picea wilsonii)混交林有较高的稳定性。
Aims Stability can comprehensively reflect the structural and functional characteristics of communities. Our objective was to evaluate the stability of 13 riparian forest communities in the upper reaches of Wenyuhe. Methods The evaluation was based on fuzzy comprehensive appraisement theory. In considering integrity stability and structural stability, five indexes were selected which could reflect the current situations of the 13 communities: regeneration of dominant species of the tree layer, total species diversity, Godron index, site quality and protection intensity. The five indexes were measured by 12 factors. Community stability was determined by the means of five subordinate function values. Important findings Most subordinate function values were 0.40–0.60. The stability of two communities, Populus cathayana + Quercus wutaishanica and Pinus tabulaeformis + Betula platyphylla, classified them in the middle of a low-mountain forest succession series. Among middle (high)-mountain forest succession series, stability increased with succession progressing from Populus cathayana forest as the lowest to Picea wilsonii as the highest. In addition, the stability of Picea meyeri + Populus cathayana + Betula platyphylla mixed forest, Larix principis-rupprechtii + Picea meyeri mixed forest and Larix principis-rupprechtii + Picea wilsonii mixed forest were also high, probably in response to disturbance caused by tree canopy or environmental heterogeneity.