The comparison experiments are carried out among winter potatoes with various planting patterns. The results show that the straw covering no-tillage big bed planting pattern provides good comprehensive characters, high yield and obvious yield increasing effect, which is suitable to be popularized in this area; for the straw covering no-tillage small bed planting pattern, it has relatively worse comprehensive characters, low yield and is not suitable for popularization; for ordinary film (white) and black film covering tillage small bed twice planted planting pattern, it has the advantages of quick emergence, high emergence rate and high yield, however, the crops don't grow well then and the potatoes lack commercial quality, so it can be popularized selectively; for ordinary film and black film + straw covering no-tillage small bed twice planted planting pattern, it results in slow emergence, low emergence rate and low yield and bad economic performance, so it is not suitable for popularization in this area.