By using of the interior convex compact set method developed by Wang Ke,the existence of the periodic solution of Volterra type integrodifferential equation with infinite delay is investigated in this paper.Basing on the integrodifferential equation which studied by Wang Ke,we replace the phase space Ch of paper by the phase space Cg which was built by Arino,Burton and Haddock.By the known lemma of paper and some suitable conditions,the existence of the periodic solution for Volterra type integrodifferential equation with infinite delay at the phase space Cg is obtained.Our investigation shows that,the different authors will choose different phase spaces,then the conditions given by different authors are different,although the results obtained by different authors are the same,that is,the integrodifferential equation with infinite delay always has a periodic solution in the convex compact set S0 at different phase spaces.Our results and the results obtained by Wang Ke in paper [2] are non-inclusive each other.