设G为有限群,o1(G)表示G中最高阶元素的阶。用极少的数量刻画有限单群是单群刻画领域中一个有趣的课题。本文只用群的阶及最高阶元素的阶刻画了单K3-群L3(3)和U3(3),即证明了: 设G为有限群, M 为单K3-群L3(3)和U3(3),则GM当且仅当|G|=|M|,且o1(G)=o1(M)。
Let G be a finite group,o1(G)denote the largest element order G.It is an interesting topic to characterize a finite simple group by using.In his paper,we characterizes simple K3-groups L3(3)and U3(3) only by using Gand o1(G),that is to say,we prove that: Let G be a finite group M be simple K3-group L3(3)and U3(3).Then G≈M if and only if |G|=|M|,and o1(G)=o1(M).