Based on 416 sample data on corporate environmental technology innovation implementa- tion and using PLS path analysis of structural equation model (SEM), the paper examines the impacts mechanism of environmental innovation behavior interaction between the two perspectives of internal and external drivers. The research shows that the internal driver, enterprise competitive advantage inherent desire craving has a direct role in promoting environmental technology innovation (ETI) behavior, Whereas stakeholder pressures and organizational legitimacy as external drivers indirectly impact on ETI behavior by means of mediated role of managerial interpretations. In addition, through empirical test, compared with the internal or external driven model, we know the internal and external integrated driven model better describes ETI behavior choice in the firm. Thus at first, enterprises implement various incentives and initiatives to pursue a competitive advantage inherent desire in order to improve them to choose ETI behavior actively. Then the local government helps build non-profit organizations (NPO) such as envi- ronmental conservation institute and make them more opportunities to communicate with enterprises for environmental issues. Furthermore, the external driving forces play a greater role to develop ETI behavior in enterprises.