基于我国7省份1 059户水稻种植户调查数据,运用倾向得分匹配法克服农村居民参与农业科技培训的样本选择性偏误问题,实证分析农业科技培训对农村居民收入的影响。结果表明:在考虑了农业科技培训的样本自选择问题之后,农业科技培训对农村居民收入提高的作用更小,统计描述分析或者最小二乘法估计会高估农业科技培训的增收效果。培训方式和培训费用对农村居民收入有显著的影响。田间示范的培训方式更有利于农村居民收入的提高,农村居民所支付的培训费用越高,其收入也相应的越高;培训费用由农村居民个人支付比由政府支付收入提高效果更明显。
In order to accurately evaluate the influence of agro-technical training on rural residents' income and remove the self-selected bias between trained and non-trained farmers,this paper empirically estimated the impact using data collected from a rural household survey in seven provinces in rural China,based on the method of propensity-score matching.The results were as followings:first,the agro-technical training had self-selected bias issues,those who had higher quality were more likely to participate in agro-technical training.After removing the self-selected bias between trained and non-trained farmers,there existed no obvious evidence that agro-technical training had a significant positive impact on rural residents' income growth.This was due to the mobilization and evaluation mode of the agro-technical training.Second,Training method and training cost had significant impacts on the income of rural residents.The income return of field demonstration method is higher than other methods;the more training expenses rural residents pay,the higher the income is;the income return of training cost paid by rural residents is higher than paid by the government.