Special equipment manufacturing provides dedicated, professional equipment to other industries. With the traditional industries upgrading and shifting to strategic and emerging industries, special equipment manufacturing plays a fundamental and extensive role. Meanwhile, special equipment manufacturing provides material basis for production services. Fusion between service industry and manufacturing industry is the trend of development. It is an important for demonstrating the integration of production services and manufacturing by studying the coupling between production services and special equipment manufacturing. We first analyze the coupling operation mechanism of production services and special equipment manufacturing from the perspectives of time and space, and find it may optimize the industrial structure, enhance the value chain, and promote economic development modes shifting from manufacturing to service-driven manufacturing. We then build the coupling development model using coupling theory in physics, and establish the index system based on industry characteristics. Finally, we empirically analyze the coupling development between production services and special equipment manufacturing. The results show that production services and special equipment manufacturing enter a preliminary coupling stage, but the coordination between the industries has to be vigorously enhanced.