研究了在定加载速率拉伸条件下,固溶处理对Al-Cu合金材料中PLC(Portevin—Le Chatelier)效应空域行为的影响.在较低拉伸速率时,变形初期PLC变形带在试件宽度方向中央附近某点处“成核”.随着变形的继续,出现多带共存的现象.且带宽较小,带与拉伸轴向的夹角较大.在较大拉伸速率条件下,PLC变形带先连续传播,再随机出现.
The effect of solution treatment on the spatial behavior of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Al-Cu alloys is investigated under constant applied driving velocity. During the initial stage of plastic deformation, the PLC deformation band nucleates in the neighborhood of the middle of the transverse direction of specimen. And multiple bands will exist simultaneously in the specimen when deformation develops, whose width is narrower and incline at a larger angle than those in annealing treated material. At high applied velocity, the PLC deformation band propagates continuously first, and then nucleates randomly in the specimen.