Rong Zhai Notes is a historical note written by Hong Mai in the Southern Song Dynasty. The book's narrative language is mostly in classical Chinese. Besides, it also uses the dialect and colloquial- ism. There are some words in Rong Zhai Notes which are not included in Grand Chinese Dictionary , such as jiubi(旧弼) nuodi(堧) shenrno(渖墨) qisu(祈诉) jingjin(精谨) wangyu(枉郁) jiongrao(窘扰) qiuxun(猷训) yinluo(隐落) jiuzhi(究质) fubian(拊抃) biansong(卞悚) zungong(尊巩) weiweng(蔚蓊) jiebiao(揭表) chichu(笞楚) shebiao(奢暴). The textural research may be helpful in the study of vocabulary in Rong Zhai Notes and the compilation of dictionaries.