针对今高校课堂里,学生无法实现主动学习的问题,以“杜威从做中学”和“终身学习”为教育理论基础,基于BYOD(Bring Your Own Device,简称BYOD)探索新型教学模式,并付诸教学实践。基于BYOD的教学模式呈现出趣味性、情境性、非正规性的特点,它不仅促进学生主动学习,同时也倡导了BYOD所带来的无时空限制的终身学习的理念,实现了宏观情境下知识的获取与再造。
To solve the problem that students can't study autonomously, the new teaching method upon Dewey's thought of "learning from doing" and the theory of lifelong learning based on the BYOD is explored and put into practice. The new teaching method possesses the three characteristics: entertaining, situational, informal. This not only promotes students to learn initiatively, but also initiates the concept of lifelong learning without the limit of time and space. Knowledge acquisition and reconstruction are able to be carried out in the macroscopically environment.