研究光照、温度、水分和土壤盐分等因子对苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides L.)种子萌发的影响。结果表明:在持续光照、持续黑暗和16h光照/8h黑暗下种子萌发最适宜的温度为25℃;在16~8h光暗交替下,25℃/16℃昼夜变温发芽率最高;种子萌发对光照不敏感;种子萌发最适土壤含水量为8%~13%;种子发芽期对NaCl的耐受浓度为1.2%。
The effects of illumination, temperature, soil water and salt contents on the seed germination and seeding growth of Sophora alopecuroides L. was studied. The results show that the optimal temperature for seed germination was 25 ℃ under sustained illumination, sustained dark, or 16 h illumination/ 8 h dark. ; the highest germination rate was occurred for the treatments of 25℃ (daytime)/16℃ (night) under 16 h illumination/8 h dark. The seed germination and seeding growth were not sensitive to the illumination. The optimal soil water content was 8~13% and the highest NaCl tolerance concentration was 1.2%for seed germination.