以贵州师范大学荞麦产业技术研究中心建立的两个甜荞(Fagopyrum esculentum)重组自交系群体(Homo×甜自100和Lorena-3×甜自21-1)的亲本为研究对象,选取了5个多态性好、带型清楚的随机引物进行RAPD分析,计算了每对亲本之间的相似度系数,并构建了各亲本的RAPD指纹图谱。结果表明,在Homo×甜自100和Lorena-3×甜自21-1的亲本中,平均相似度系数分别为39.13%和42.69%;在构建的RAPD指纹图谱中,有29条谱带为Homo(P1)所独有,27条谱带为甜自100(P2)所特有;有26条谱带为Lorena-3(P1)所独有,25条谱带为甜自21-1(P2)所特有。荞麦特异谱带可以作为品种鉴定的分子标记。
The genomic polymorphisms of four parents of two common buckwheat RIL populations were analyzed with RAPD markers of 5 random primers. The results showed that there were the average index of similarity of 39.13% and 42.69% in the parents of the crosses Homo×Tianzi 100 and Lorena-3×Tianzi 21-1, respectively. There were 29 unique bands for Homo(P1) and 27 for Tianzi 100 in the first cross,and 26 for Lorena-3 and 25 for Tianzi 21-1 in the second cross.