To carry on the analysis of water and sediment characteristics in Jinghe river basin is based on soil and water conservation, flood control and sediment reduction of the loess plateau area, and provide a basis for the comprehensive management of the loess plat-eau. Based on a large number of observation data, daily water and sediment process data from 1979 to 1990 is firstly selected from 16 hydrological sites in Jinghe river basin with catchment area from 218 km^2 to 40 281 km^2 , then using statistical method, change rules a- bout the mean value, variance, coefficient of variation, skewness coefficient of two main elements of water and sediment i. e. the sedi-ment discharge and the erosion modulus are systematically analyzed in different spatial scales of Jinghe river basin. Lastly, the scale conversion and analysis are studied. The results show as follows: The change of space scale seriously affects the sediment discharge, and the catchment area is in direct proportional to the sediment discharge; There isnt a fixed relationship between the erosion modulus and the catchment area, whereas the general trend is the erosion modulus fluctuates within small watersheds, and it is in inversely pro-portional to the catchment area within large and medium watersheds. The resuhs also indicate that water and sediment movement ele-ments show different variation characteristics in different scales, which reflects the scale effect of water and sediment movement.