The influences of different types of defects inside crystalline silicon (c-Si) material on the dark I-V characteristics of c-Si solar cells (c-Si SCs) by solving semiconductor device equations using finite difference method. The results show that the natural logarithm curves of the dark I-V characteristic of c-Si SCs can be divided into three fundamental regions. The output parameters ofc-Si SCs, such as open circuit voltage, short circuit current, filling factor and efficiency, are degraded under the reverse bias voltage conditions, the dark current values of c-Si SCs under different bias voltages are unchangeable with the incrcasing acceptor-like defect densities and show obvious changes with the increasing of donor-like and recombination-center-like defect densities exceeding their threshold values; under the forward bias voltage conditions, the dark I-V characteristic curves of c-Si SCs only with acceptor-like defects still show three fimdamental regions, but those of c-Si SCs only with donor-like or recombination-center-like defects show obvious changes when the densities of donor-like or recombination-center-like defects are larger than their threshold values.