Using the finite difference method to calculate the absorption loss spectra and the optical current density spectra of the metal back mirror, the absorption loss of the metal back mirror with three kinds of materials, c-Si, a-Si and GaAs, were analyzed. In the process of analysis, battery structure was used in two forms., the flat plate type and textured type, and two forms of cell structure had the same thickness of the active layer, antireflection film structure, buffer layer structure, silver backed mirror thickness. Analysis shows: The direct band gap of a-Si and GaAs materials with the silver back reflector mirror loss is less than the indirect band gap c-Si material ~ The loss of the TE mode of the flat panel type battery cell bank is decreased with the increase of the incident angle, and the loss of TM mode increased with the increase of the incident angle;The absorption peak of the texture type cell is more than that of the flat plate, and the loss of the corresponding silver back reflector mirror is larger than that of the flat panel; TM mode excitation of the plasma oscillation absorption effect is obvious in the texture cell.